Friday, September 10, 2010

Chiniqua's Sons Playing Pop Warner Football

Jelani and Jeremiah are playing youth football for the Richmond Eagles. Perhaps we can get some group outings organized and watch them play.

Monday, September 6, 2010

No Contest

Richie has a new team playing Thursday nights in Napa's fall league. The team is known as No Contest. Richie has Tanya and Mariza playing with his team. They played their first game on September 2nd and won it, 16-8. Richie has taken up pitching and he did well in his first game, holding their opponents to only eight runs.

We have links to No Contest's website so you can keep up their season. I was thinking we might work out a field trip or two to see them play.

Friday, September 3, 2010

All-Star Game & BBQ

The game and barbecue have been pushed back two weeks to September 11th. Also, the game time has been changed from 1:00 to 12:30. While this may have been good for the league, it certainly wasn't good for our team. We selected Lena and Gena to represent us at the all-star game and neither will be able to attend on September 11th. James has Army Reserve duty that weekend so he and his daughters won't be able to attend either. In all, the change in dates will cause us to lose nine participants including family and friends.