Thursday, July 2, 2009

Enough Already!

While Brandon and I were in the bleachers at the Richmond vs. Master Batters game yesterday, we talked about something that's been annoying the **** out of us. That's the continuing complaints from our opponents who maintain we aren't really beating them -- we're just taking advantage of the rules.
These complaints first appeared about a month into the 2008 season and they haven't stopped. Apparently, our opponents believe our style of play is somehow unfair to them. They think we should be swinging at the slop they bounce around everywhere but in the strike zone instead of waiting for them to throw us some strikes. They're sick of watching us take our walks. You know what? There's a simple solution to this. If they don't want us to draw so many walks, they can QUIT WALKING US! The rules do not favor us. They apply equally to both teams. We're doing everything we can to maximize the talents of the players on our team while minimizing those of the opposition. That's not unfair. It's the wise thing to do and rather than be criticized for it, we should be praised.
On offense we're going to make every effort to load up the bases for our big hitters. On defense, we'll do everything we can to ensure the opposition's big hitters come up with the bases empty. To complain that we are doing something unfair is patently absurd. It sounds like a boxer complaining that his opponent won't stand still and drop his hands so he can be hit squarely in the jaw. “Wah! The PC Bricks won’t do stupid things so we’ll have a better chance of beating them. Mommy, it isn’t fair. Make them stop! Wah!” Enough is enough. It’s time for the rest of the league to get used to us. We’re going to do everything we can within the rules to win every game we play. We practice at least once every week after work. Some of us get together on Saturdays for extra batting practice. We do these things because we want to play well. We enjoy winning and we don’t owe anyone any apologies for it. We know we’re going to be beaten at some point. It could be in our next game. And when it happens you won’t hear us putting down the other team or their style of play (as others have done so freely to us). We’ll just wear it.

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