Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dream Team Quits, PC Bricks win 7-0

I've seen some crazy things in softball before but never have I seen a team throw a hissy fit and walk off the field during a playoff game. If anyone can top that, please share. For those who weren't there to see it, the first round of our league playoffs started this week and we were matched up with the Dream Team. The game barely got underway as the Dream Team had trouble gathering enough players to meet the minimum requirement. When they put a player in their lineup who was widely recognized as someone who isn't employed by SSA or otherwise employed at the FHFB, we notified the umpire we were playing the game under protest. After the game started, the Dream Team slipped another recognized ineligible player into their lineup. At the end of the second inning, we were up 4-3 and at that point the Dream Team decided they didn't want to play any longer. They walked off the field, packed up their equipment and left. One of their more vocal players tried to blame us for their decision to quit. Why would they do something like this? A certain contingent within the Dream Team was displeased that the validity of their roster was being challenged. Rather than play the game and let the protest sort itself out afterward, this contingent decided to cheat their teammates and us out of a game. This is the only softball team I've ever seen that gets so much satisfaction from not playing softball. They forfeited two of their seven games during the regular season and now they've added a forfeited playoff game. The decision to quit amounts to an admission of guilt. If their players were legitimate and the Dream Team won the game, their victory would stand. Our protest would be turned down and we'd have to pay a $50.00 fee to the City of Richmond for our failed protest. You don't walk away from a game like that if what you're doing is righteous. But they knew what they were doing was wrong and rather than deal with any possible consequences, they decided to pack it in and go home. What do you make of this, PC Bricks?

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