Monday, August 23, 2010

All-Star Game & BBQ Update

Our representatives for the All-Star game this Saturday will be Carlos, Lawrence, Lena, and Gena.

The game will be played at Seawright Field and it begins at 1:00.

The barbecue begins immediately after the game ends (probably about 2:15-2:30).

The barbecue is free for FHFB softball players and coaches. For all others, the cost is $5.00.

Our team is responsible for providing four or five side dishes for the barbecue.

There is a league meeting Wednesday at noon. We will be required to provide a count of how many of us (including friends and family) will attend the barbecue, what side dishes we will provide, and who our All-Star reps will be.

Please email me ASAP if you can bring a side dish and let me know how many people you are bringing to the barbecue. We need this information before noon on Wednesday. If there isn't enough participation, the whole thing may be called off.


  1. Im putting in with chiniqua--we are bringing potatoe salad and beans.

  2. I forgot to add, Im bringing 1 person, maybe.

  3. Thanks, Gena. I'd fix something but I don't want to risk poisoning everyone. There's a really good deli in my neighborhood. I may go the lazy man's route and buy a dish or two. Does anyone have any ideas about what I should get?

  4. Count me & my lil Hawks in! Im like u willing to put in with somenone else if they cook it :D

  5. I'll be bringing something. Haven't thought of what yet. Any ideas on portions and what to bring? I'll have 1 possibly 2 guests with me.

  6. At Wednesday's meeting I may be able to find out if there's anything in particular they need. If you have a specialty dish you'd like to share with us, please bring it on. Otherwise, I'd assume standard picnic/BBQ fare of any sort would be fine. I expect there will be many potato, rice, bean, and pasta dishes.

  7. Ok, I am going to bring fruit salad.


(Please keep it clean)