Friday, June 10, 2011


For more photos from this game,
click the "2011 PHOTOS" tab above
We're off to a good start with yesterday's opener against the Mod Squad. Things were a bit unorganized at the beginning and I apologize for that. I'm usually at the park much earlier to have everything set up.

I hope our new players thoroughly enjoyed the experience of playing their first game. I was pleased to see the team come together and put out a strong effort. We still have some things to work on and we'll get to them Monday at our next practice.

I think everyone can see why it's important to have our full team practice together. Teamwork is such an important element of the game and if we don't work together at practice, we won't execute well in the games.

I should have the stats and scoresheet done Friday night. First I need to sort out a few entries in the scorebook with The Coach.

Well done, Bricks!


  1. ...and many thanks to everyone who handled the camera while I was in the game. I know there was Dale, Jansa, Cristian, and maybe more. You captured some very good action shots which will soon be up for viewing.

    And thanks to Pete Spencer for coming out to see the game and for visiting with our players.

  2. The score was actually 28-9. In the scorebook scramble caused by batting around in the first two innings, two runs slipped through the cracks. Let's hope we give The Coach just as much trouble keeping up with the score in our next game.


(Please keep it clean)