Friday, June 3, 2011

The Times They Are A-Changin'

There's a proposal before the league council to change our game times from 5:00 to 5:15. It would certainly help us if this change is approved as we have Nina and Kedi riding on BART from the Berkeley office. They're typically off work at 4:30. Getting changed and travelling to Nicholl Park in time for a 5:00 game would be nearly impossible. I suggested we make the new starting time 5:30 but 5:15 may be the best we can do.


  1. The proposal was approved. It's official now -- all games begin at 5:15. If we don't have enough players to start the game (minimum of eight with a minimum of four women) by 5:15, we have a 15 minute grace period. If we still don't have enough players to begin play by 5:30, it's a forfeit.

  2. That doesnt meant get there by 530 and warm up. It means get there by 500 and warm up.

  3. It would be even better if you can arrive by 4:45. The starting time for the game is 5:15. We get that grace period to 5:30 only if we don't have at least four women and a total of eight players. If we have that many at 5:15, the game begins with those on hand.


(Please keep it clean)