Saturday, June 12, 2010

PC Bricks 22, Mod Squad 14

The score might give the impression we played football but this was definitely softball. With all of the scoring it was certainly a fun game to play.

We hit very well but our fielding was spotty and our baserunning....needs to be addressed at practice next week.
Here are some pictures Lynecia took at the game. Many thanks for handling that duty for us. (Click on each image to enlarge it.)

1 comment:

  1. The score was originally reported as 21-14 but upon review of the scorebook, we scored 9 runs in the top of the 6th inning instead of 8. It's a good thing we didn't need that run.

    Brandon -- how about less chirping at the umpire and more attention to detail in the scorebook, please? ;-)


(Please keep it clean)